Today I am 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant. It is crazy to think how fast the time goes. Chris and I were able to get a lot done with our time off. On Tuesday, December 21st, I went back to the doctor. It was just another routine visit. Everything is going well, and I am measuring right on schedule. My next doctor's appointment is Tuesday, January 12th. My parents and grandparents came down for a few days to celebrate New Year's Eve/Christmas with us. We got the opportunity to eat a lot of good food and try some new restaurants while they were down here. When my parents got here on Tuesday night, we ate at Max's Alley in Concord. It was really good! Chris had had lunch there before, but I had never been there. I had baked chicken stuffed with tomatoes with spinach and rice. Chris had stuffed trout, spinach, and the most amazing sweet potatoe puree that I have ever tasted! It was awesome! My parents split trout with green beans. They really seemed to like the place as well. The reviews online said it is the best place to eat in Concord. I must say it is pretty high on my list. My grandparents arrived later, so after we ate, we went to their hotel and visited. Mamie had pictures of Christmas at her house, so I got to see everyone. I also saw some pictures of my niece, nephew, and cousin's son playing at Mamie and Papaw's. They are such good great-grandparents. On Wednesday, we went to downtown Concord. There isn't much to do, but it is a good way to kill a few minutes. My dad found a coin shop and has already made a date to go back in February once his grandson is born to show off some of his coins. We also ate at the chocolate shop--Yum! We all split an oreo cheesecake and apple tart. I had a hot chocolate too--It was so good! Mamie has those pictures, so I will have to get those from her. After spending a little more time in downtown, we decided to get lunch. We went to the Greek restaurant and had grouper pitas (Chris had a NY gyro). It was delicious as usual. Do you notice the theme of eating all the time? Since we were so close to Chris's school, we went to Cannon for a visit. We all got to see his classroom and marvel at how great a school it is! My mom and dad really like the S&D coffee that is made here in Concord, so we went to the gift shop to get them some coffee to take back with them. I had an eye doctor's appointment, so we all trooped to that as well. The one positive thing about all this driving around were the heated seats in my mom and dad's van. It sure made my backache feel better! While I was at the eye doctor, the rest of the crew went to the mall across the street. Papaw need sweatpants, because he was so cold. For dinner we went into Harrisburg and got Dino's pizza. It is really some good pizza. We enjoyed it. Thursday was New Year's eve, and we got off to a slow start. Everyone was busy doing there on thing. My mom had made dinner reservations at McCormick's Seafood Restaurant for 4:15 p.m. in South Park. It takes a good 45 minutes to get to that part of Charlotte from our house, so we left a little early. We were seated right away. After looking at

the menu, I knew I would have a hard time finding something f

or me to eat. I am not really allowed to have shellfish or fish due to the mercury, and I had been getting sick on red meat. There were really about two options on the menu for me. My dad and Papaw got King crab legs. That was the whole reason for going to this restaurant! I ended up getting some salmon. My dinner salad was amazing! I really liked it. For dessert, I got apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. My mom got carrot cake, and Mamie got creme brulee. I personally think my dessert was the best! A

fter dinner, we went back to our house and opened our Christmas presents. Baby Taylor made out really well getting a lot of cute outfits. This baby is going to be really well dressed! My friends, Kayci and Amanda, also gave us a big thing of diapers and wipes! We were really excited to get that! After that we played Apples to Apples and Sequence. The girls beat the guys in Sequence, and I won Apples to Apples. We missed the actually dropping of the ball by a few seconds but thank heavens for DVR! We rewinded it and then we headed off to bed. On Friday, my parents, Chris, and I ate at the Harrisburg Restaurant for breakfast. It was fabulous as usual. Great food for a very reasonable price. Then we were off to IKEA. My parents really like IKEA since we took them there in September, and it was Mamie and Papaw's first time. Mamie was able to get something for their place in Florida. Chris and I also got a bookshelf and a small side table. Mamie and Papaw have alread

y visited the IKEA in Orlando! We hung out at our house after that. For dinner we tried a Mexican restaurant in Concord. It was pretty good. I know that Chris really enjoyed his meal. I was sort of underwhelmed. Mamie and Papaw said their goodbyes. They were headed off to Florida in the morning. Marvin was sad, because he had grew attached to cuddling with Mamie. My parents left Saturday morning to go back to Indiana. Chris and I cleaned some more and were able to set up the nursery and finish cleaning a few more things before we started school. I will let Chris write about his Christmas presents and the Kitchen project. We also have our birthing class and hospital tour on Saturday, so we will have more to write after that!