Whew! July was a very busy month! Isaac, Chris, Marvin, and I are just getting caught up. Isaac went to his four month doctor appointment, and he was in the 75th percentile for height, the 93th percentile for head size, and the 99th percentile for weight. The doctor suggested that we wait on rice cereal due to his weight. The doctor was impressed with Isaac and his attitude of "faster and better" as his dad says.
We finally went to Indiana to visit our families and friends. I decided to do the trips in two parts due to all the excitement. The trip started with an 11 hour car ride with us arriving at my parents' new house at 2:30 a.m. Isaac was pretty good during the car ride, but he had definitely had it by hour ten. Marvin was also ready to get out and play. When we arrived, Isaac played on the floor, Marvin got a quick walk, and I got the tour of my parents' new place. After sleeping briefly, we were ready for the adventures of the day. My parents' went to some garage sales while we had breakfast and walked Marvin. They found a Combi stroller for ten dollars, which they bought for Isaac. It is great, because it is small, lightweight, and easy to travel with. For lunch, we went to a Japanese steakhouse. It is one of my favorite places to go while in the area. Isaac did really well while we ate lunch, and he wasn't scared of the fire (they cook in front of you). After lunch, we got to see Andrew briefly to give him some lemonade at work. It has been crazy hot this summer! We then had to pick up Ty and Audrey from daycare to do the grandkid pictures at the Farm. I couldn't believe how much Ty and Audrey had grown up! I do realize it had been over a year since I had seen them last but still! We arrived at the farm and got the kids all changed into their jean overalls. Colton was cute with his curly hair! It was pretty hot, but I think we managed to get a few good shots. Afterwards we hung out with Aunt Tracy, Uncle Tom, and Michael. We headed back to my parents for dinner. My dad had been busy cooking bacon while we were away. My grandparents and Uncle Tom and Aunt Tracy also had dinner with us. We had tomato and bacon sandwiches, Indiana sweet corn, and wilted lettuce. It was fantastic, and yes, I have pictures of the food!
The next day we had scheduled a playdate with Amanda's kids--Ellie and Kentley and Kayci's son--Gavin. It was great to catch up with them and see how much their kids had grown up. We all went out to lunch together. Afterwards, Andrew got his kids from daycare, and we all went swimming. It was really great to get in the pool. Audrey wouldn't let go of me though! Isaac enjoyed a meal after swimming for a little while. We had dinner at Andrew and Leann's house. It was the first time that we had seen their new house as well. I really like the colors and the layout. I really enjoyed the turkey burgers that we had for dinner that night.
The day after that we went swimming again in the morning. We had an open house in the afternoon so that all of our friends and family could come and meet Isaac. We also got to play some dominoes and eat The Ordinary's pizza. By the way, cheeseless pizza from the Ordinary looks very weird. Marvin ripped a hole in my Uncle Rick's shorts when my dad took him down to the house. Sorry again! Marvin has been afraid of storms, and he has been especially protective of us since Isaac was born. Thanks again to all our friends and family who made it out! We didn't get to see everyone, so we hope that we do on our next trip up!
We left the next day to go up to see Chris's family. Look for the continuation of our Indiana adventure in the next blog post!