30 January 2011
28 January 2011
Boo Being Sick!
Well, we had a very interesting time with our little man. Isaac got pretty sick, and Chris and I both had to stay home with him and miss work. I got the experience of a baby getting X-rays. No one warns you how awful that will be. Isaac was strapped into this contraption that looked like a bike seat with plastic that covers the baby's top half. The parent (me) has to hold the baby's arms above his head and let him cry, so that the X-rays technican can get good shots of the baby breathing while in distress. Isaac was crying and crying, and I wasn't allowed to comfort him. I had to stand there and say nothing, just hold his hands about his head. It was a miserable experience, but they didn't find anything in his lungs. He just had a really bad cold. Chris had been fighting a cold throughout the previous few days to Isaac being sick. After the X-rays, Isaac and I hung out at home and worked on getting him better. We had some really rough, sleepless nights. Chris and Isaac both are feeling better, but they are not yet at 100%. We all are sleeping better, and it really helps being on our regular routine.
Chris found out from his mom that his sister-in-law is pregnant again! We are excited to welcome another niece soon. We aren't exactly sure when she will arrive, but her head is already down. They have chosen some unique names from the little girl; we are intrigued to see which name they will choose. Congratulations Taylor family!
Isaac's birthday is right around the corner! It is hard to believe that he is going to be one soon. I have started planning what we will do on his birthday and the weekend after. Because Isaac got so much for Christmas (we had to take a lot of toys back--it was just too much!), I wanted to let everyone know some items that he does need. We are in the process of opening a college savings account so we welcome donations to that. Isaac loves his daycare, so we would appreciate gifts that would pay for a week of daycare. Isaac wears size 4 diapers, so that is another great gift. He doesn't need clothes, and like I said previously, he doesn't need toys. We have toys in the attic that we haven't given him yet (they weren't age appropriate). We are excited to share Isaac's first birthday with everyone, so look for that post coming up (and some mail from Isaac as well).
No pictures this time--Chris has hidden the memory chip! Check out my facebook pages for images I took on my phone.
Chris found out from his mom that his sister-in-law is pregnant again! We are excited to welcome another niece soon. We aren't exactly sure when she will arrive, but her head is already down. They have chosen some unique names from the little girl; we are intrigued to see which name they will choose. Congratulations Taylor family!
Isaac's birthday is right around the corner! It is hard to believe that he is going to be one soon. I have started planning what we will do on his birthday and the weekend after. Because Isaac got so much for Christmas (we had to take a lot of toys back--it was just too much!), I wanted to let everyone know some items that he does need. We are in the process of opening a college savings account so we welcome donations to that. Isaac loves his daycare, so we would appreciate gifts that would pay for a week of daycare. Isaac wears size 4 diapers, so that is another great gift. He doesn't need clothes, and like I said previously, he doesn't need toys. We have toys in the attic that we haven't given him yet (they weren't age appropriate). We are excited to share Isaac's first birthday with everyone, so look for that post coming up (and some mail from Isaac as well).
No pictures this time--Chris has hidden the memory chip! Check out my facebook pages for images I took on my phone.
12 January 2011
Isaac's first Christmas was busy. As I had posted on facebook, if stuff equals love than Isaac is really loved. He got way more than he will every need. We took off Thursday for Indiana and around Louisville, Isaac started screaming. He had had enough for the car (and so had Chris and I). We luckily didn't run into any bad weather and arrived around 6 or 7 p.m. to my parents' house. Marvin didn't make the trip with us, so the car had some more space than usual. My parents ordered Jimmy John's for us (yummy!). My niece and nephew also were spending the night that night, so we got to spend some time with them. Cousin Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Mamie and Papaw, and Leann and Andrew all came to see us and hang out for a little while. Isaac loved to watch his cousin Ty play.
The next day we went to the Japanese steakhouse with the kids and my parents and Mamie and Papaw. We celebrated Audrey's second birthday at Andrew and Leann's. We also did our family Christmas that night with Leann's mom and her boyfriend. Isaac really liked playing with this cousins and their toys.
Santa visited Isaac on Christmas morning at my parents' house. He really liked his food and his piggy bank. We then went over to Andrew and Leann's to see what Ty and Audrey got for Christmas from Santa. We also had some doughnuts together. My mom and dad made a ham lunch for us back at their place, and we let Isaac play for a little while. After that we went to Mamie and Papaw's for Christmas. Isaac was very tired, but he enjoyed seeing his family and sitting at the boys' table. I think everyone was impressed by how much avocado Isaac could put away. I spent most of the night hiding in the kitchen, so that Isaac wouldn't be so clingy. I thought the gift I got from my Uncle Rick was hilarious! I got a dog training book and some treats. Marvin this summer had bitten him, so it was a very appropriate gag gift! Isaac got some great outfits, a car toy, and a puzzle.
The next day, we went to visit my other grandparents. Isaac and Audrey had fun running around and chasing the dog. It was really great to see them as well and for them to see Isaac. Andrew, Chris, and my dad watched the Colts game while my mom, me, and Isaac visited with Mamie and Papaw. We had Mexican for dinner that night at Andrew and Leann's. Audrey and Isaac had a blast playing in the tents. That day we also discovered Isaac's fourth tooth!
On Monday, we headed up to Chris's family. I will let him write about our experience up there. The car was packed to the brim after we left his family a few days later. We barely had any room to move in the car. Isaac did not enjoy the ride back home. It was difficult for all of us. We were glad to be home. It was even more awesome to see Marvin. We all really missed our dog. It took some time to unload the car, and we are still making returns and reorganizing everything that we got for Christmas. Hopefully by this weekend and with the past three snow days off of work, we will have everything cleaned, organized, returned, and ready for the next adventure.
Isaac was sick during Thanksgiving. My parents came down and brought with them a Christmas present. We were really thankful for their thoughtfulness about bringing Isaac's tractor down early instead of us trying to haul it back from Indiana. We barely had room to move after our trip back from Christmas but more about that later. Chris and I enjoyed cooking and made a very satisfying meal! Isaac loves playing with his tractor. It is his favorite toy!
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