Well, I have not posted for awhile. I am still getting used to the idea that I am pregnant and cannot be such a workaholic as I used to be. Chris and I were told at both of our December Doctor's appointments that we should not go to Indiana for Christmas. I was happy to be able to rest and not have to run around, but at the same time, I was sad not to be able to see family and friends. I went in for a little while to work on Monday and then tried to finish my Christmas shopping for Chris. We decided that we were going to do stockings for each other and one present. I was having a really hard time, because I forgot that we live in North Carolina and Colts's jerseys are not easy to find here! The rest of the week I watched as Chris painted the kitchen and just laid around to rest. I did accomplish to clean our guest bedroom (guests, we are ready for you!) and get all of our Christmas decorations out and up. Chris got me a Garmin navigation system for Christmas. I am so excited about it! I have wanted one for awhile! We got Marvin a leash, new treats, and some wet food to mix in with his dry food. He really seem to enjoy this. I think that he enjoys time with his mom and dad even more. We did not get anything for our baby boy, because I hear he is getting a lot of stuff sent down from Indiana. My parents and grandparents will be here later this week to celebrate Christmas with us, and we are going to skype Chris's family tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with them. It was hard not being with everyone during the holidays, but I think this was best for Chris and I both to get some rest and stay healthy.
Due to the high volume of requests, here are some pictures of the pregnancy belly and some other updates that Chris and I have neglected to post about:
For Halloween, I dressed up like a redneck man. We had our friends, Christine and Bruce, over to have dinner and to entertain trick-or-treaters. They made an amazing chicken tortilla soup, and we made a loaded potato soup. Both were delicious and we were glad for the leftovers! Here are a couple pictures of me and Marvin in his bowtie.
Here is a picture in our kit
chen from Thanksgiving which we celebrated with my parents. Last year my dad came home from Iraq on Thanksgiving, so we were especially thankful to have him here with us. Chris and I cooked a turkey, apple stuffing, mashed potatoes, and a cherry and pumpkin pie. We also made some crescent rolls and caesar salad. It was all very good! This picture also gives you something to compare our new kitchen renovations to once we post those pictures on here!
I do not have an pictures of this, but I wanted to mention how thankful Chris and I are for all the generous gifts that family and friends have given us for our baby boy. My brother and sister-in-law have given us a lot of baby stuff that have been transported to North Carolina by my parents as well as many items my parents have purchased. We have also gotten a box of clothes from my cousin Megan that were all so adorable! Chris has had several co-workers given us clothes, wipe warmers, and other items that we might not have known to get. Dr. Lauren also sent our baby his first toothbrush and some socks and hats. We are very thankful for everyone's gifts and the advice that I have been given by others as well!
We hope to put some more pictures on here soon. Our next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday, so we will have an update about that as well.