Above is a picture of the face. On the right is the forehead and eyes, in the middle is the nasal cavity and upper lip. At the bottom is a hand that had made it's way into the picture. Below is the baby's profile with the head at the right, torso in the middle and a knee sneaking up on the left side. Notice the hand up by the face still.
Finally, after she had shown us the whole baby from head to toe, and everything looked normal and seemed to be developing how it should she asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We said we did and this is what she showed us:
In a slight upset Boy takes the title. We are so excited, and family and friends seem to be excited too. We would have been excited either way, but it's really cool to know. Now the baby is a "he". Now we can start focusing on names. (My brother Thom who was the one Alien vote says it should be Elliot due to the initals it would create. He's so clever). We went to Babies-R-Us today and started our registry, which was an experience and will have to be a story for another day. It all has reached a new level of realness. The feeling is amazing.
The coolest part of the ultrasound for me was the clarity of the images. The still pictures are detailed, but it doesn't hold a candle to what we saw on the actual screen. I was surprised how often I knew what we were looking at before she told us, which I think was rather amazing considering how fast she talked. But the coolest and most detailed images came when she showed us a 3-D rendering of our baby's face and put it into motion. Below is a still capture:
Notice his right hand and forearm stretched in front of his face. You can also see some of his other hand above his head. We seem to have a shy, wiggly little boy. As I'm sure you've figured out, he kept moving his hands up in front of his face and moving around as though he didn't want his picture taken. All of this also confirmed to Annalee that what she had been feeling was in fact the baby moving. She was pretty sure that's what it was, but to see it happen on the screen confirmed it. Now it seems like he's moving all the time.
The rest of the doctor's visit went great, except for all the time we spent waiting for the docotr. Everything seemed to be in good shape. He is currently 11 ounces which they said was right where he should be. Annalee's gaining weight at a healthy rate, and her blood tests from our last visit were all normal. The ultrasound technician was not able to get a picture of the baby's stomach because it was empty. She said it was nothing to be concerned with, just Annalee has to stop back briefly next week to hopefully get a good picture.
Yay! I knew you had a little boy all along. I got teary eyed looking at the sonogram pictures.