Last Friday, Isaac, mom, and dad went to the doctor for our one month check up. Isaac weighs 9 pounds 15.6 ounces (50 percentile) and is 22 1/2 inches (75 percentile). To quote the doctor, she said, "He is perfect!". Of course we already knew this! He is lifting his head for longer periods of time during tummy time, tracking toys from left to right, and recognizes mom's, dad's, and Grandma G's voices. Isaac loves the sunshine and warm weather, so we walk as much as possible with Marvin. We have moved from Newborn size diapers to size one, and Isaac is now wearing 0-3 month clothes instead of Newborn size. Although there are a few outfits that are newborn that he can still wear! We are developing more and more of a routine. Isaac sleeps three and half to four and half hours during the night. During the day, he likes to play in his activity center and watch the mirror and mobile on his swing. His all time favorite activity is to walk around the house in the baby carrier with his mom. 
After our first outing last week, Isaac and I were more confident to go out on our own. We visited dad at work and had lunch, went to the dry cleaner and Target, and Babies R Us and Chick Fil A. Chris and I also took him to Punchy's for dinner over the weekend. He did really well and did not get fussy until we were about to leave. Mom also went grocery shopping over the weekend without Isaac. It was a good test for Mom! Dad enjoyed his time alone with Marvin and Isaac.
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