Isaac is now a little over four months! We will have the updates on length, weight, and head size after his doctor's appointment (which includes his four month shots!). Uncle Thom came down for a visit with us. He got to come to my work and meet some of my colleagues, and he watched Isaac for 20 minutes all by himself! Isaac enjoyed his visit; Thom and Marvin did not get along, however.
The four of us met up with Grandma G, Papaw Sam, Mamie, and Papaw Bill in the mountains. Our cabin was up very high (up a very scary one lane "cow path"), but the view was beautiful! Isaac enjoyed some time in the hot tub (no worries--it wasn't hot at all). Grandma G made a fantastic birthday cake for me. Marvin kept his eyes out for the black bear that was supposed to be lurking about. We never saw him or any evidence that he was close by. We went into town and had lunch with some samplings of the local microbrews and strolled around the shops. Grandma G gave Isaac his new favorite toy--his jumparoo! He loves to jump for long periods of time in it (and his Mom and Dad appreciate the time to have our hands free). Chris enjoyed his first father's day with dinner and a card chosen especially for him by Isaac, Marvin, and I. It was nice to spend father's day with my dad and Papaw Bill again. My mom enjoyed her S&D coffee that we picked up for her for her birthday present as well. Isaac was much better on this car trip, so we are learning how to travel more with him (and Marvin)!
Isaac continues to roll over on his left side and occasionally on his right side. He has made /f/, /g/, and /r/ sounds and all of his vowels sounds. He loves to talk to people or his hands. He continues to amaze us everday!
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