23 May 2010

Busy, busy and so much has happened!

Well, our little family sure has been busy over the past six weeks! We wanted to give you a brief update on all the happenings:

  • Grandma G came down to help Annalee get ready to go back to work. It was hard putting in Isaac to daycare, but it was great to have an extra person to support her! Grandma G also was a big help in cleaning and making a few meals that Chris and Annalee both enjoyed eating! Thanks again, Grandma G!

  • Isaac started daycare. We love his teacher and have enjoyed watching him grow as he learns at his "school".

  • Annalee started school. In some ways, it has felt like she never left. In other ways, it seems like she missed a WHOLE bunch. It is always interesting trying to find the time and place to pump.

  • Isaac got his first fever and cold. He got it and had to stay home with dad. It was the same day he was supposed to have his shots, so they got postponed. At that appointment, which was his two month appointment, he weighed 13 lbs. 6 oz. and 24 1/8 inches. He is in the 90th percentile for both height and length! No worries about being too big: he is in the 50th percentile for his weight compared to his length

  • Isaac got his first shots! He cried, but Chris fed him a bottle left over from daycare, and he was just fine!

  • For Mother's Day, Isaac made his mom a very special Mother's Day card. It had his picture and his handprints. It made his mom cry.

  • Isaac had his pictures taken at daycare--his first school pictures! He also fingerpainted a flower that is displayed in the classroom.

  • Isaac was the life of a party celebrating a good friend's birthday. His parents were glad to get out of the house and enjoy some adult company.

  • Isaac got a visit from his Uncle Ricky and Aunt Lauren, and Lauren's sister Erin and her parents Pat and Tyrone! We had a fantastic brunch with them and enjoyed the opportunity.

  • Isaac is the happiest little guy: he loves going for walks with Marvin and smiling and laughing and "talking" to his mom and dad. He likes holding his head up and looking around, and he's trying very hard to roll over. We think he will do it very soon. He has slept through the night three nights in a row, but the streak was broken by another cold.

  • Isaac continues to grow so fast. He is well into 3-6 month clothes and is even wearing some that are labeled 6-9 months. Since there is no three month doctor visit, we weighed and measured him this weekend: based on the bathroom scale and dad's tape measure he's 15 lbs 12 oz and 25 1/2 inches.

Update more soon!

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