It has been another busy month already. For Chris's birthday, Isaac made a card at daycare! It was a very special card. Annalee told daycare that it was going to be Chris's birthday, so that made sure to make it a surprise!

We had our first family roadtrip (minus Marvin) to the Aquarium. It wasn't the most successful car trip with Isaac; both mom and dad learned a lot! When we first got to the hotel, Isaac slept on the bed. We took off for the Aquarium first thing the next morning. Isaac was hungry as soon as we got in, so Annalee fed him before we did anything. Isaac then fell asleep, so Chris carried him around. It was all of our first time at the Aquarium, so Chris and I enjoyed it even when Isaac was sleeping. Annalee went to check out the penguins, and Isaac woke up! He spent most of his time in the stroller or in the carrier with Chris. Isaac really liked to watch the fish and other sea creatures as they moved around. He particularly liked the coral reef animals.
When we got back from the Aquarium, it was time for Isaac's first trip to the pool! He loves bath time, so we figured he would love swimming as well. Chris took him into the wading pool at first, and then we all three got in the regular sized pool. Isaac did not seem to like being in his turtle--he was not heavy enough to touch the water with his hands. Chris and I both took turns walking around with him in the pool. He seemed pretty indifferent. We are sure on his next swimming adventure, he will be happier!
Hehehe. He is soooo cute!!!